Exercise is not only essential for your dog's health and well being but it is a great way to spend quality time together. It also provides mental stimulation and important social contact with other canines and humans.

Make sure that the exercise is appropriate to the age, size and health of your dog. 


Puppy School

8-16 weeks is the age when puppies are most open to learning and accepting new experiences. 

Puppy school is designed for puppies at this age to expose them to a variety of different people and other dog breeds so they learn how to interact appropriately in a controlled, safe, positive environment until they are fully vaccinated and able to explore the outside world. 

It focuses on early socialisation in that crucial imprinting stage, providing valuable information to puppy owners and helping to rectify any identified or potential issues in your puppy's developmental stage before they become ingrained and difficult to change. It is also a good starting point for training. 

Make sure you attend an accredited Puppy School.


Care needs to be taken with the exercise all puppies engage in until their growth plates are closed.

Once your puppy is fully vaccinated and able to go outside their own home envrionment, exercise should include short strolls with only small spurts of running whilst they are still young. Avoid jumping and stairs. Any exercise should be on a non-slippery surface to avoid injury. 

Some puppies like swimming but never force a puppy into water. Start off in the shallow water and always carefully supervise your puppy as they can get tired quickly.          



As your puppy gets older gradually and slowly increase the level of exercise.


Obedience Training

This is an excellent way for you to bond with your dog. Obedience training teaches basic commands which enables you to better manage your dog and their behaviour. Organised obedience training can begin from the time a puppy is 16+ weeks old and fully vaccinated.


Brisk walking is wonderful exercise for you and your dog. Regular walks can also reduce common behaviour problems. Change up the routine to avoid boredom.


Dogs with lots of energy may enjoy jogging but be mindful of your dog's capabilities.


Retrieving a ball 

A game of fetch is a wonderful and fun form of exercise that can be played at a nearby park or even in the backyard. Use toys meant for dogs rather than sticks to avoid mouth, eye, throat or neck injuries. 


Not all dogs enjoy swimming but for those that do, this is a low impact form of exercise that improves endurance.  If your dog doesn't mind the water you may want to start off in shallow water until they are more confident. Including a game of fetch also makes it more fun. If your dog doesn't like swimming, don't push it.


This high energy fun sport is not only great exercise but also helps develop confidence and new skills.

It involves competitors directing their dogs around obstacle courses which include jumps, ramps, elevated walks, weaving poles, tunnels, a see-saw etc  in an attempt to negotiate the obstacles correctly in the fastest possible time.


As a gundog breed, this is an ideal activity for cockers. A scent trail is laid out hours before the competition. Once the trail has "aged" dogs and owners begin the task of finding the object at the end of the trail.

                                                                   Golden cocker spaniel sniffing the ground in a frosty garden


This is based on obedience training but with more elaborate footwork. Movements are choreographed to music as dog and owner go through a dance routine.

Off Leash Dog Park 

This allows your dog to run and play at their own pace as well as providing stimulation and socialization. Allow your dog off leash only when you have done some obedience training and you are confident your dog is under your control and will come back when called. 

Always watch your dog when playing with other dogs. If your dog or another dog becomes too excited and intense during play, remove your dog from the situation. Your dog might be well socialised but someone else's may not.

Important Points

Dogs only sweat through their pads and they lose body heat through panting. Avoid any form of exercise in extreme heat and walking on hot surfaces that could burn their pads. During the warmer months, exercise in the morning or evening when the temperature is cooler.

Don't force your dog to continue exercising if they show signs of tiredness or fatigue.

Never exercise an injured dog.

Always make sure your dog is well hydrated.

Contact Details

Meg Hardy
Camberwell, VIC, Australia
Phone : 0413 506 424
Email : [email protected]